This conversion use the larger 107mm diameter mid-70's and up BMW Airhead Bosch stator and rotor.
The Bosch charging components can be used from any Airhead which has the 107mm diameter stator.
The seal feature of the rotor is removed by turning in a lathe.
The stator is modified so that the earthed brush is converted to an insulated (unearthed) design. (Reference the two pics from below)
The front engine cover is modified to accept a stainless steel adapter ring and stator. Three M5 tapped holes are made on the cover. Depending on the cover used, one or two TIG weld bosses are added to the cover to allow the ability to tap all three M5 tapped holes.
The rear housing section of a Delco Remy 10si alternator is modified. It is mounted to the main frame. (Reference the pic from below)
The stock wiring harness is modified from its point on the frame to where the generator system previously was located.
Advantages of this system:
It is a robust, efficient and high quality conversion.
Higher wattage output, 280W vs 200W, than other systems.
All components are always readily available.
Excellent low RPM (<2000) charging capability.
All solidstate regulating componentry.
Services currently provided for this 12V conversion:
Front engine cover modifications. This includes the welding and tapping as required.
Charging component regulating bracket with electrics assembly.
Contact me for additional details.